Saturday, December 25, 2004

Untitled poem

I'd like to distill wisdom and knowledge
To gather around
A group of passionate folks
In a semi-dark room
Around a table with books

I'd like to discuss
Philosophy. History.
Literature. Art.
And music.
Even if I know absolutely nothing about
Philosophy. History.
Literature. Art.
And music.
But I'd like to learn

I'd like to read
And share what I read
Summarize the story,
the ideas, the themes,
and give my thoughts on the characters

I'd like to grow in wisdom
and knowledge

I'd like to highten my sensitivity
to the world around me,
to the things that truly matter in life

I want to decipher hidden meanings
in works of art
To delve into stories and novels
and poems
With my heart and mind and soul
And understand their true worth
And relevance in my life


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